Gymnasium Closed? Just Work Out at You Home대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 10:05:35

COVID-19 deprives us of doing lots of things, but by contrast, it causes us to gain weight. Nowadays, people easily gain weight because they cannot go out, so they usually eat fast food. However, we could lose out weight and keep our health by doing at-home workouts.

▲ An example of at-home workout

These days, many people are trying at-home workouts to lose weight. According to a survey of 1600 men and women conducted by Lotte Members last year, about 78.1 percent of people said that they have tried the at-home workout. Like this, the at-home workout becomes popular.

At-home workout is working out at home without any guide or any equipment. Correct movement and sufficient warming up are very important in working out at home. It is because we exercise without any exercise equipment. There are various types of at-home training. The most common one is doing it while watching online videos. We can do it with a YouTube video, live video vlog, and many more. Also, more people are doing at-home training nowadays, and there are AI training services, too. Some of them are KG's Giga Gini and SKT's NuGu Service.

Also, there are lots of merits to at-home workouts. For me, I believe that it is convenient because we can do this at home, and we can do it without comfortable clothing. Also, we can save out time and money because we do not have to go to a gymnasium.

▲ Example plan for at-home workout

COVID-19 is getting more serious, so we may get more stress, and as a result, we crave food which leads us to gain more weight. To prevent this, it is better to do at-home workout. I suggest you do this every weekend to live more healthily in the era of COVID-19.

by Eun Kyo Park


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