Engineering, Influencing Our Lives Now대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 09:59:43

What could happen if we have advanced engineering technology? We are able to live in the world of peace by the work of people who improved engineering Compared to the past, interest in engineering has been decreased. However, engineering is what had made our lives easier, and what it will make our lives better.

Engineering has developed our daily lives. Every day, any time, we use things based on engineering. For example, traffic design, highway design, and bridge design. Engineering uses physics and vehicle dynamics which are used to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on roadways. Including traffic signals, signs, and pavement marking could be done by engineering. You might realize it's all that we use every day when we go outside. Not only that but also much more things we just use not even realizing if it is allowed because of engineering development.

▲ Civil engineering and land planning. (Traffic design)

In South Korea, engineering has developed by the government. Now, it is known as an improved engineering country. For example, South Korea has achieved the goal of the artificial sun which could be risen up to 100 million degrees. Also, KEPCO Engineering and Construction Company of South Korea decided to establish digital engineering t have the innovation of engineering business collecting data, storing it, and analyzing it. In addition, they are to actively implement the Korean version of the New Deal Policy, which will lead to strengthening energy combination technology and smart technology which are important.

▲ It is South Korea`s artificial sun. World first record.

It is believed that the future of Korean engineering will be bright. Hyeon Il Moon, the Korean engineering association chairman said that the Korean Engineering company will get overseas and lead the issues, and engineering of the future will be brought if they work harder.

Interest in engineering has been decreased, however, will it change the future development of engineering? There are still many people and students who will work and study for engineering. Unless there are no people working for the engineering, the future of engineering will never stop by a wall and head one and more steps farther.

By Jaewon Lee


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