One of the Biggest Events: School Arts Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 09:53:37

These days, every school has at least one big event. Among the school events, the school arts festival is one of the biggest events. School arts events may be familiar to all students because they have special moments on that day. Students can show what they have prepared. The school arts festival is usually celebrated by all students. They will show magic, dance, recording performance, and Taekwondo.

One of the students who will participate at the school arts festival, Do Seung Hyun, said that their school arts festival is under the direction of his teacher, but choosing a topic is among the students' decisions. He said that he is proud to have the leading role in the play that he will portray. He does not do well in singing and dancing, but he practices whenever he is free. He just cannot wait to do the play.

▲ Students who are waiting for Taekwondo performance

In this school event, students can show their talents and skills, and their efforts in preparing for it will pay off. It is an opportunity for them to develop independence because they have to do it on their own without relying on someone else. Also, they can be confident about themselves. Because they do it by themselves. They will develop their confidence. They will also have the courage to challenge themselves and will have the courage to do it again if ever they fail.

▲ The students are happy to have a school arts festival

Despite all the positive impacts that the school committee generates. there are suggestions that the school arts festival should be removed because it can just cause trouble. Because of school work, children may have no time to practice and they do not have enough time to practice, and they do not have enough time to do other things. Some people think that the school arts festival has to be changed to a sports tournament or a cooking show, However, students in all grades do not consider it a problem because they all know that they will enjoy it.

By Oh Seoung Hwan


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