Rising Non-Contact Concert대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-27 14:33:22

Nowadays, there are many difficulties in having a concert of many celebrities because of COVID-19. However, many fans of celebrities want to meet them and enjoy their concerts. Because of COVID-19, it is important that people should not come in contact with other people. So, technology that is related to online communication is actively being developed. With the developed online communication, many celebrities are still able to perform a concert for their fans who want to enjoy it. There are many Korean celebrities who already held their non-contact concert, too.

▲ The picture that an idol is performing their concert.

There are many useful advantages to having a non-contact concert. It is easy and comfortable to enjoy. To watch a concert, you should pay for the ticket online and join the non-contact concert on time. Also, it can use various stage compositions and space that can maximize the advantage of the concert more. You do not have restrictions on time and place because you can watch wherever and whenever you want. You can also watch the concert again whenever you want. Many fans can gather in one channel and cheer together with the function of the online concert. This function can make the performers happy.

There are critical points in having a non-contact concert, too. When you are watching the concert, you cannot feel vividly like that you are at the site of the concert. You cannot meet any celebrity actually. This point makes fans to be put to inconvenience most of all. If there are too many members in the online concert, it can cause a problem in the video and sound quality.

▲ The picture that shows how to perform an online concert.

In the future, with the advancement of technology, you will be able to enjoy not only zero contact concerts, but also more exciting concerts in your home.

By Shin Chae Min


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