Swimming Race-In Covid 19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-22 14:33:44

There might be many people who got Covid-19 by swimming in the contaminated pool. As you know well, today Covid-19 is spread world wide which pauses all the swimming races. Because Covid-19 can spread out also in water, in some countries swimming pools are all closed. Let us see how swimming races work in other countries as Korea? How does Covid-19 affects the races and practices? Swimming races and practices are paused for a while and here are some countries trying to re-open the swimming pool and to resume the races.

Can you catch coronavirus in a swimming pool?

According to the article "Runner's World", it says The Pool Water Treatment and Advisory Group (PWTAG) said after consulting with Public Health England, 'We have checked with out national leads who confirm that corona virus would be inactivated at the levels of chlorine used in swimming pools. However, visitors to swimming pools are reminded to shower before using the pool, to shower on leaving the pool and to follow the necessary hygiene precautions when visiting public places to help reduce the rest of infection.' From this, we can tell that even though the water is inactivated with the corona virus, they will keep in alert that every visitors from outside shower before they go into the pool for more safety.

Is it safe to swim during covid-19? Are pools, lakes, beaches safe?

Of course, for the corona virus was so serious at earlier times, they had closed all the swimming pools but they thought that in this way the swimming races and the practices will be permanently-stopped so they decided to open the pools again. Oliver Dowden who is the secretary for culture announced that outdoor pools can opened again from Saturday 11 July, and indoor pools were able to re-open on Saturday 25 July. But not all pools were able to be open. But opposite to this point, there were some opinions that it will not be a case of 'business as usual' and we know that things will have to be different. Following to the Swim England chief Executive, he says, 'However, if we are to play our part in protecting the NHS from another wave of Covid-19 admissions, it is important we follow the latest guidance and adjust to the new "normal".' Involving this opinion, they have got this list of some of the most popular lidos in the UK and will be updating it as they get more information regarding re-opening.

Like these precautions, the pool directors are trying to not make the swimming races and practices stop so that swimmers can keep participate in swimming races. Keeping the rules for swimming pool safety and being careful can avoid Covid-19 and enjoy swimming. Thus, swimming will be continued in the serious COVID-19 stably.

By Jihyeon Lee


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