The Way to Be Safe from Cold대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-29 21:49:57

Today, many people in the cities wear masks to prevent and protect themselves from COVID-19. Because most people wear masks, contagious diseases diffusion like flu is decreasing, but there are still some patients who suffer from cold. The symptoms of cold and COVID-19 are similar, so people who got cold want to get better from it. There are some ways to get better from the cold. Cold is a general term for acute inflammatory or allergic disease of the respiratory mucous membrane.

The food you eat is really important for the treatment of a cold. You should eat food that contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Examples of this food are honey, green vegetables, peanut, and olive oil. Drinking water with honey or chamomile is also good for cold because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Also, honey and chamomile help you to sleep well. However, there is some food to avoid for the people who have a cold, which include sugar, caffeine, meat, and carbonated drink. For caffeine, it causes dizziness and insomnia. Lots of alcohol will weaken white blood cells. Different from many people's thinking, meat is bad for people with the cold because it contains too much oil.

▲ These are great food for cold.

Doctor Kwon Oh Gil said that cold is caused by more than 200 viruses, such as rhinovirus and coronavirus. Fever means the cells are destroying the viruses. Washing hands a lot can prevent one from cold. He also said that wearing masks is a really good solution.

▲ The picture is one type of the cold viruses.

There are some home remedies that are proven to be effective. Not getting medicine is good because getting medicine can weaken the white blood cells that fight with the cold viruses. Also, getting a lot of minerals, a lot of rest, and eating a lot of fresh food can be great remedies.

There are many ways to get better from the cold. If many people follow the rules well, they will be safe from cold viruses and can prevent themselves from acquiring cold.

By Kwon Seung Min


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