The Vaccination Against COVID-19 in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-26 16:14:28

Since COVID-19 has spread all around the world, wearing a mask became one of our routines. The accumulated infection rate worldwide is 124 million, and new cases occur every day. However, there is hopeful news that many countries have started vaccination against COVID-19, and South Korea is one of them.

▲ AstraZeneca vaccine

South Korea started vaccination on the 26th of last month. Until now, about 86 percent of preferential inoculation recipients finished primary inoculation. It is 1.3 percent of the number of South Koreans. In South Korea, two types of COVID-19 vaccine are available; the AstraZeneca vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine. About 700 thousand people inoculated the AstraZeneca, and about 60 thousand people inoculated the Pfizer vaccine. About 1,707,873 people who are working in nursing hospitals inoculated a vaccine. It is about 87.8 percent of all people working in nursing hospitals. People working at nursing facilities and responding agents also inoculated a vaccine.

▲ Pfizer vaccine

Vaccination for seniors over 65 years old started on March 23. In addition, Moon Jae-in, the president of South Korea, inoculated the COVID-19 vaccine on March 23 for the upcoming G7 summit meeting in June. He was the first senior to get vaccinated. He inoculated the AstraZeneca vaccine. Experts expect that this will reduce the anxiety of the public who are worried about the vaccination.

However, there are still worries about the vaccines against COVID-19. About 30 people were infected with COVID-19 after vaccination in South Korea. This shows that it is hard to draw our life back to days without COVID-19. In addition to this, the gap in the pace of vaccination between developing countries and developed countries is expected to be great.

Although there are still concerns about the vaccination, already 66 countries have started inoculation against the virus, and the number of people who got the vaccination is over one hundred million. As the number of people who are vaccinated increases, we ould get after from COVID-19.

By Kim Yerin

March 21, 2021


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