COVID-19 - Pandemic Issue대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:58:08

One of the biggest problems all around the world is COVID-19. Because of COVID-19, most students are doing online classes. Moreover, many people prefer using online shopping, and all of the people wear a mask. Like this, the life of a lot of people in the world have already changed and will change because of this problem, COVID-19.

▲ people wearing a mask because of COVID-19

COVID-19 started from Wuhan in China in December 2019, and it spread out all over the world. COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome.

There are a lot of social changes because of COVID-19. First, most students only do online classes. It is because doing offline classes is very dangerous that gives students the possibility to be infected by the virus. Second, a lot of people prefer online shopping to go shopping offline to buy something. It is because going shopping is so dangerous. In the case of food, people prefer delivery food. Because of this, a lot of trash is formed. Also, people become unhealthy because they do not move after eating, or they eat unhealthy foods like hamburgers continuously. Lastly, the biggest change because of COVID-19 is the necessity to wear a mask everywhere. Because of this, many people do not talk to each other well.

▲ a program used in online classes

A lot of people are trying to prevent COVID-19. The officials in the government give people some support funds. Also, they make laws about the wearing of masks. Many scientists try to develop the COVID-19 vaccine. There are many personal efforts done by people to solve COVID-19. For example, people wear a mask in every place they go, and they wash their hands well.

In this way, COVID-19 affects the life of many people. There are many changes because of this problem. All of the people should try to prevent COVID-19 together.


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