An Event in My Neighborhood: Cheoyong Cultural Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:55:32
  • 수정 2021-03-23 10:55:53

People celebrate their special meaningful works or times with other individuals or groups. Like this, there is a festival which is a civil festival where people join and have fun by doing many outdoor activities. One of the most popular festivals people join and enjoy is Cheoyong Cultural Festival. The unique thing about it is that it has changed its name many times.

The definition of Cheoyong Cultural Festival is a civil festival held as a theme of the tale of Cheoyong which is held every October. It is a representative civil festival in Nam-gu, Ulsan. It is composed of an opening ceremony, a street parade, a major event like 'Finding Cheoyong', an experience made up of data display, and a contest conference. Mainly, it has an intention of harmony and a festive scene involving all citizens. People can enjoy the festival for several days respectively. Usually, it has an opening ceremony on the first day and a street parade in the afternoon of the second day. Besides, it is so various that many people can have joyful outdoor activities.

▲ The street parade of Cheoyong Festival

Moreover, Cheoyong Cultural Festival has its marvelous origin. The monument was built to celebrate the economy of South Korea in June in Ulsan followed by the Ulsan Industrial Center's groundbreaking ceremony. At first, it was held as a culture, art, and physical education of party. However, it could not have a frame, so another festival was held which called the 'Civil Big Festival'. With the establishment of the Cheoyong Cultural Festival Promotion Committee, the name Ulsan Industrial Festival has further strengthened the environment, culture, and artistic meaning. As a result, it was finally changed into the name 'Cheoyong Cultural Festival'.

▲ Many activities about Cheoyong Festival

In addition, having witnessed the festival for the 51st days, one person related to Ulsan Cultural Festival said that he will make a developed festival with cultural assets and will improve Cheoyong's religious and shamanistic image which originate Ulsan's peace and stability about Cheoyong Cultural Festival. It will be a wonderful festival because most people keep it going.

The Cheoyong Cultural Festival was first held in 1967. It is a typical cultural festival in Ulsan and has come through history from Ulsan Industrial Festival. Especially, there are plentiful activities that people can rediscover their area of history and tradition which help them to preserve their area's culture. Cheoyong Cultural Festival becomes a great festival, so thank you to people's effort and preservation, we can still wait for the festival.

By Seojin Kim


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