South Korea‘s case of Global warming대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:32:01

Can you imagine yourself in a vacation spot which is an island; however the island sinks to the water? This sounds really terrible, but it really happens in real life in South Korea because of global warming. I will write about South Korea's global warming case and how to solve the problem.

Global warming is a phenomenon in which the average core temperature of the Earth increases. It is caused by the greenhouse gases act like a blanket that heats the Earth's surface. So, the average temperature becomes higher and higher.

There are many causes of global warming's effect in South Korea, too. The case of global warming is the heatwaves. On August eighth, 2016, South Korea's temperature became thirty-two points to degrees. The experts said it was because of global warming. Because of global warming, China's temperature became hotter and that hotter air came to South Korea at that time with a typhoon.

We can solve the problem of global warming by reducing greenhouse gases and save energy. In our houses, we should use Eco-friendly products such as silicon straw and algae water bottles. And, we must save electricity as much as we can. Outside of the house, we should use public transportation and plant trees. We should do the Three Rs campaign too. Three Rs means reduce, reuse, and recycle. We should reduce the amount of waste produced, reuse plastic containers instead of throwing them away, and recycle unwanted products.

To solve the problem of global warming, we should practice all of the things that are mentioned above. South Korea is not the safe zone of global warming. We should prepare from now on.


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