The Finalization of the Five-year Plan in Exporting Eco-friendly Automobiles대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-17 16:52:36

In modern society, many people use their automobiles because of their business. Most of their automobiles use oils in order to run. However, statistics show that oil will run out in 2056. Using this kind of energy source can cause air pollution. Also, it can pollute the environment while people are drilling for it. So, South Korea aims to boost exports of eco-friendly cars.

▲ The example of electric car.

As environmental issues are rising up, South Korea aims to export eco-friendly automobiles. They possess on exporting eco-friendly automobiles from 8.9 percent to 13.9 percent. In terms of electric cars, South Korea recorded twice higher in competition rate. In 2021, they finalized a five-year plan for the eco-friendly auto industry, which includes increasing the exports of these automobiles by 2025. Because of the finalization of the five-year plan, exports of eco-friendly cars will reach 830,000 units in 2025, while it reached 280,000 units in 2020.

▲ The example of eco-friendly car.

In 2020, South Korea shipped 37.4 billion US dollars worth of automobiles down to 13.1 percent because of the coronavirus. On the other hand, exports of electric cars increase to 39.9 percent which is 4.6 billion US dollars. So, South Korea was the world's fourth-largest exporter of electric cars and the world's top producer of hydrogen fuel in the auto industry in 2020. Because of the interest in environmental issues of the customers, the use of eco-friendly cars increases eight times more. The more the interest increases, the five-year plan will be a great solution in the auto industry.

The prospect of exporting eco-friendly cars will rise up because of the interest of consumers in environmental issues. The preoccupancy with exporting eco-friendly cars will be intense in each country. Exporting these automobiles will be great in the auto industry while the environmental issue is increasing.

By Um Ki Yoon


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