Possibility of Introduction about a Four-day Workweek대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 16:39:06

Today, we cannot go to work at the company freely because of COVID-19. In this situation, a four-day workweek sounds good to workers. Actually, the introduction of a four-day workweek is coming true anywhere. Let us know the instance of this.

▲ Many workers cannot go to company to work these days.

Before the emergence of a four-day workweek, Ford who established Ford car introduced a five-day workweek, and it came true in many companies. Also, Ford insisted that if workers have more time to have a rest, they will sell more cars. After that time, the world is standing on the four-day workweek. American corporation "Awin" gave holiday workers and tried to find the smart way to work. Another example is Microsoft company in Japan, The company carried out a four-day workweek for five weeks with equal salary. The result was so surprising that the company's productivity increased 40 percent. Also, the cost of electricity and paper decreased greatly.

▲ He is the first person who insisted five-day workweek.

In Spain, the government gives 50 million Euro to the company which brings a four-day workweek. Asia is also influenced by Europe and America. The government in India provides workers the opportunity that they can choose the day to work in 48 work hours. Japan is also positive in this project. In South Korea, the candidate who will run for office on April 7 announced the pledge that he will introduce a four-day week. In contrast, in China, companies are negative to this project because they prefer to work six days for nine hours. So, it was called "996".

▲ Microsoft in Japan carried out a four-days workweek.

Today, the introduction of a four-day workweek is discussed around the world. But, there are many companies that do not introduce a five-day work week yet. So, it is to introduce first a five-day workweek, and then, find the way to work in a smart way. After that, someday we can have a four-day workweek.

March 7, 2021

By Yoo Seung Hun


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