To Gate to Korean Universities, CSAT or Early Admission, Which Is Better?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 13:33:21

Today, with an increasing interest in K-pop, and the K-protection of COVID-19, South Korea Universities also have received attention around the world. In doing so, the South Korean entrance examination is given attention, too.

South Korea's way of entering a university has two types. In 1994, the college scholastic ability test (CSAT) started. This test is so important to enter the university. On this day, we can see a special atmosphere. Near the elementary school or middle school, students whose school is near the high school that test-takers take a test do not go to school. Moreover, most of the people's timetable is put off preventing traffic congestions. Also, airplanes are not allowed to fly during the listening test.

The first way of entering in the university is to take a college scholastic test. It is the test that mostly a high school student takes to go to the university. However, students do not go through the CSAT, so the government requires the students to undergo an interview and take the entrance examination.

The second way of entering the university is to have early admission. First, a student can have a record screening. It has the admission of a school-record curriculum that reflects simply the school grade. Also, it has a comprehensive screening of school records. It includes school grades and various activity records such as voluntary service and club activities. Moreover, it contains school-like records. Second, it has college-specific screening. It covers an essay test that writes about liberal art that is related to humanities, society, and the science course that is related to natural world essay. Furthermore, the aptitude test is including in college-specific screening. Finding aptitude has been under abolition since 2022. Third, it has a specialist screening. It has a special purpose which high school students have to write an essay about a personal statement. It is related to language specialists. Then, screening specialist in science that advanced course completion that contains a personal statement, academic performance, and interview. For almost a science high school and a school for a gifted student, it has SW specialty qualification that the admission of a school curriculum that includes an interview and practical test. Moreover, physical education specialist curriculum for athlete that is hard for normal students. Lastly, the second of specialist screening, practical examination that music or art department.

It has special screenings for farming and fishing villages, for overseas South Korean, for disabled persons, for opportunity balance special screening, and for the person who graduated from specialized high school. Many ways of entering South Korea's university exist, but all of them are difficult, and if we want to go to a great university, we have to do our best.

By Hyo Jin Chang

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