Prevention of the School Violence Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:37:44

Violence cannot always be justified, no matter who does it, even teenagers. However, nowadays, many students think it is not a serious problem. Therefore, a writing project for school violence prevention education is carried out to remind students of how serious school violence is. This project makes students think about the cause of school violence and how to solve this problem.

To know the cause of school violence and how many times it happens, we investigated the reason and performed the school violence statistics. First, why students do school violence? According to statistics, the most common reason was that the victim picked the suspect first. While others said that the action was done as a joke, just and some said that they just do not like the victim. Others also said that the violence was done for no reason. How many school violence cases? According to statistics, in 2016, there were 39000 cases of school violence, in 2018, there were 50000 cases, and in 2019, there were 60000 cases. School violence is getting more serious each year. The students start to write about the prevention of school violence.

▲ (Korean Police_Official Naver Blog)

Then, what is the best solution to this problem? The teachers should judge and evaluate the writings, and they should pick the three best ideas. The first is to educate more about school violence students. The second is to educate in assumption about right values to the students. The third is to legislate a new law for juvenile law. The last one is to make a play about how to prevent school violence and play it since they are young. Among these ideas, the best one is to educate in assumption about the right values of school violence to students. Also, this idea can solve this problem right away.

▲ (The reasons why they do School Violence_any-kcm_blog)

By this project, most of the students' awareness was changed, and also, they got to know more about school violence and how serious it is. As a result, the school sent out notices to parents about how to teach their sons and daughters the right values and not mislead them to each assumption. They also sent notices about each student's behavior in the school to each assumption.

This project gives a good effect on Bumseo Middle School. Therefore, this project should also be carried out in other schools.


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