School Project for Our Future Workplace대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:33:48

In 2020, the Student of Okhyeon Middle School's first grade had a very interesting and important project, making a report about future jobs. There are two purposes for this project. The first is to study about future jobs, and second is to think about which job is better for themselves in their future.

To make reports, students did many activities for few weeks. The first thing they did is to investigate future jobs which they will use to make reports. One class is divided into five teams, and each team has two types of jobs to investigate. For example, requirements, prospects, and areas of the jobs are the things they have to investigate. Then, they made reports and PPT files about it. Finally, they reported them in front of other students.

That long process gives many effects to them. It takes time that them can think about their future. During the project, they can know and think about future jobs. So, most of them were interested in that project and had positive evaluation about it.

The project has a disadvantage in that it requires much time to complete, however, it has many advantages, too. First, it makes us study about our future jobs. Second, it can be helpful when we plan for the future. Finally, it can make us have an accomplishment after we finish it because of its disadvantage.

In South Korea, during eight years, 3525 jobs were created and 88 jobs were disappeared. Then, because of Fourth Industrial Revolution, many jobs will be created and disappeared soon. Because of those reasons, the activity which students did can cause many effects to their future life.

▲ Automation risk by job type percent


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