Decreasing Population대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:25:41
  • 수정 2021-03-16 12:25:55

Nowadays, many people have changed awareness about marriage, childbirth, and child care. To take care of their child, people need to prepare a lot of things. They need a house to live with their family and some children supplies such as toys and clothes. It also takes a lot of money to raise children even after they are born. Because of these reasons, the low birth rate is getting serious. It could lead to the chronic economic recession, and it could lead to the destruction of a country. To avoid it, we need some institutional consideration such as providing various institutions and benefits of giving birth to a child.

▲ Fertility rates in Korea and OECD average from 1980 to 2010

The high price of house, employment shortage, the weak social welfare system, and the burden of private education expenses cause a low birth rate. A decline in the population leads to a chronic economic recession. It also reduces social dynamism and increases the aging society.

many office workers feel a lot of pressure to take paternity leave when they have a child. Also, its a common case that one of the two parents quit their job and do single-child care. To solve the low birth rate, both parents should be guaranteed parental leave by the government. Also, when people find a house, the government should make a family with at least one child ranked first newlyweds as the second priority to induce the birth of multiple children.

▲ A picture of her worrying about losing her job due to pregnancy.

Providing various institutions and benefits of giving birth to a child will change people's awareness. The low birth rate will not be solved in a day, but it will change little by little if we all try.

▲ A picture of many children playing happily by creating a society where there is no disadvantage in giving birth to babies.


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