Vaccine of COVID-19: Novavx Vaccine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:20:05

Are you searching for the safest vaccine for COVID-19? Today, there are 71,820 patients because of COVID-19. For these patients and or lives, we have to find a suitable vaccine for this virus. There are lots of vaccines that were mentioned or announced, but people do not know what vaccine is the best and most harmless. Here is one of the most completed vaccines, the Novavax vaccine.

▲ Novavax

NVX-COV2373 is a vaccine candidate with the immune-increasing drug, Matrix-M, that has been produced through recombinant DNA technology by expressing the COVID-19 spike protein in insect cells and then making it into a nanoparticle form. Also, after three clinical trials, the Novavax vaccine has an effectiveness of 89.3 percent, and no serious side effects were found. It can be stored at refrigerated temperature, and it has a long expiration date. From this result, Novavax is a vaccine that is also easy to keep.

The government of South Korea announced that people in South Korea may have this vaccine in July 2021. Also, SK Bioscience already signed a contract with Novavax Inc. Recently, South Korea invested about billions of won in Novavax. Most of the respondents experienced either nothing or minor effects, and most of the side effects were minor and were not considered to be related to the vaccination. The addition of immunosuppressants reinforced the immune response, and it saved antigen capacity and induced T helper1 reaction. Also, the United States and Mexico already prepared to have this vaccine.

The vaccine for COVID-19 is urgent these days, and the Novavax vaccine is the best vaccine among the other announced vaccines. Maybe July 2021 will be the month that people are busy with having the Novavax vaccine. With this vaccine, people do not have to be afraid about COVID-19 anymore.


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