Ulsan Seogirls‘ Middle School Hosts a Huge Yearly Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:04:06

Do you know what the yearly festival is? Does your school has a yearly festival? In my school, Ulsan Seogirls' Middle School, Ulsan Seogirls' Middle School, we celebrate a yearly festival, and it is a festival which has many booths that each class prepared, and some food courts, too. There are also some flea markets in the gymnasium. The booths that we prepare are escape room, movie watching booth, game booth, face painting, and more. 

Jiwon Kim, one of our school students, said that she is always excited at the end of the year for the yearly school festival. We interviewed her for some advantages about our school festival, and she said that she really likes and enjoys the festival. This festival is prepared by each class in each grade, so any grade class student can go to any other grade class booth. For example, even though I am in the first grade, I can go to the third-grade booth. By this, any grade student can be friends and can be friendly to each other with no senior and junior relationship. Also, we can have delicious food from the food court or the food booth. It is much cheaper to buy from outside than having it at the booth. Cheap and delicious, how nice it is!

While many students like the festival, there are also some students who oppose the festival. Yeongmi Choi, the second-grade class teacher, said that it might be enjoyable for the students who enjoy the festival, but it might not be for the students and teachers who do the aftermath. For instance, because of the food court and food booth, there is so much food trash on the floor everywhere in school. We have to clean them, but will you be happy to clean them even though you did not do it? I want to tell every student who is enjoying the festival to please not make the food fall on the floor, and if they drop it by accident, they should make sure to clean it up. I would like to warn them and if they do not cooperate, our teachers will ban this festival and not open it anymore. Through the interview, we noticed that there were many advantages we could see but also some little problems between those advantages.

The yearly festival in Ulsan Seogirls' Middle School still remains the conflict, but if they try a bit, it will be the perfect yearly festival that all schools also can have.


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