Inaccurate Memories Confuses the Truth대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 11:52:35

▲ School violence is one of the biggest problem these days.

School violence is one of the biggest problems these days. Even though people do some educations for students not to bully others, the school violence problem is not solved yet. Moreover, several celebrities and stars were accused of bullying and school violence. However, they have denied allegations about their past deeds.

▲ Soojin claimed that she did not bullied other students in the past.

Some K-pop stars were accused of bullying other students. For instance, Soojin, one of the members of the K-pop girl group, (G)I-DLE, is known that she beat and abused a student when she was in middle school. An anonymous student claimed that Soojin bullied her, but she denied allegations that she bullied other students. She said that although she was a bit unusual when she was in middle school, she did not bully other students.

The victims said that their lives were ruined by the abuse of the bullies, but alleged bullies said that they do not remember it. Then, why do people have different memories of the same experience? Lee Kyung-soo, a psychiatrist and a professor at Yonsei University said that memories are neither objective nor accurate at all. If a victim recalls a memory about the violence that he or she experienced, his or her accounts usually reflect the narrator's reconstruction of the story of what actually happened back then and how he or she felt at that time. Moreover, the victim's emotion can be involved, while they interpret the incident, the memories can be inaccurate.

Some celebrities were accused of bullying other people at school, but they said that they do not remember, and they did not do it. Inaccurate memories of victims and assailants make the truth confusing. It is because we do not know who is telling the truth, and a lot of incidents still remain unknown.

March 13th, 2021

By Young Chae Lee


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