A New Future Big Data Expert대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 17:00:19

The work of a big data expert analyzes people's behavior, and changes and provides helpful information. Because it can predict the future, a big data expert comes to be one of the most promising jobs this data.

Big data is the vast amount of data which is hard to collect, store, and analyze. The development of big data technology can be characterized by the creation, collection, analysis, and expression of various types of large-scale data. It is a job that solves the hard problem, so some data could not be solved by today's data. Recently, in 2018, experts analyzed industrial accident's causes, prediction of rice production, and prevention of employment by detecting the bankruptcy crisis of the company. Like this, big data analyzes lots of fields and provides information, so it can affect people's life.

▲ Core of the 4th industry `Big data`

To become a big data expert, it is necessary that people should major in statistics, computer engineering, or industrial engineering at university. It takes time to analyze things, so they need patience and to study steadily. Also, they are required to have a high understanding of statistical theories and complicated programs. If you accumulate knowledge and experience in the field of business administration or catering, you can create synergy effects by fusion with a technical base. It also needs to approach in creative ways, so it also gives curiosity. The popularity of big data is getting higher and higher nowadays. It can minimize hard-to-predict tasks, and there is a great potential for development in that cooperation between many disciplines is essential. It also eliminates uncertain environments to stabilize people's life. Big data experts are big data management departments or marketing departments of large companies, Internet portal companies, data analysis companies, information, and communication system integration companies or systems.

Big data experts seize the problem and solve this problem by collecting helpful information. It predicts the future, and we can respond in advance by analyzing the hazard. This job can help in lots of ways, so there is no doubt that it would make promising jobs.

By Jiyoon Jung


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