Make the Brightest Hope for Students in Africa대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 16:55:19

Students in South Korea enjoy bright light, tasty food, and pure water, but students in Africa cannot enjoy such obvious systems. They cannot study at night because they do not have the energy to manage the light. It means that they do not have the opportunity to study. So, some middle schools in South Korea make a program to help students in Africa, "Solami light". Solami Light's purpose is to give hope and opportunity to students in Africa to study and gain achievements and to increase curiosity about solar cells.

▲ Solami is `hope` for this children.

Solami light project has many advantages to students. First, anyone can participate who is over 13 of age. So, many students can participate in this meaningful project. Second, if students participate in this project, they will get volunteer scores. It is beneficial because students will be encouraged to do that and get many lessons by participating in this project. Then, participants will feel that they should participate in activities like this project. Lastly, the Solami light's advantage to students in Africa is that they can refresh Solami light's battery anytime, anywhere because the sun is a renewable source of energy.

▲ African friends are actually using Solami Light.

This is the order of this project. First, participants have to watch a video about students in Africa. Second, they have to assemble the solar light. Assembling the solar light is easy enough. Third, participants have to write support messages to students in Africa. Fourth, they have to send by Solami volunteering group. Lastly, they will get volunteer scores.

Over the years in finishing this project, Solami light, many people wrote epilogue about their volunteer work on their social media. There are many messages like "Give hope to children in Africa." with hashtags like '#volunteerwork', '#brightestfuture', '#heartwarming', '#meaningfulwork' and so on. Perhaps, this project's participants will increase because many people shared their experience in this volunteer work.

By Lee YeSeo


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