The Psychologists대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 16:56:41

The doctors we think are the ones in the hospital and operate patients. However, among doctors, psychologists have differences from the doctors we know.

A psychologist is a career that helps people deal with problems ranging from short-term personal issues to severe chronic conditions. They set at ease the patients and try to communicate with them. They work in places where people meet the person to people such as a hospital, school, university, prison, and mental health clinic.

In order to be a psychologist, we have to get a degree major in psychology. Psychology is about the scientific study of how people behave, think, and feel. Then, we need a doctorate degree. To get this, we have to take four to seven years. Although psychologists seem serious and strange, they actually feel interesting when they work. There is an interview with Dr. Tracy Ochester, in Psychology Degree 411. She said that she is satisfied with her job, and she feels so happy by communicating with people. She recommended this job to those who are motivated by helping others. In addition, there are some natures to be a good psychologist. We need to be patient, humble, and open to new experiences because psychologists meet many people and face various situations.

▲ A Day in the Life of a Psychologist

A psychologist is one of the most promising jobs because it will be needed to provide services to an aging population more than now. In South Korea, since the aging population is increasing, the demand of psychologists is increasing, too. Second, psychologists work in diverse fields. Actually, there are a lot of kinds of psychologists, so the possibility to have work is higher than other jobs.

Although psychologists have differences with the doctors we know, it is certain that they do as valuable things as doctors.

By Kyoung Taek Oh


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