Serving as a Chef대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 16:53:22

What career do you like? In South Korea, chefs ranked fifth in the list of desired jobs for elementary school students in 2019. Many people want to provide delicious food because everyone feels full when they eat. Also, some people are interested in cooking by cooking often. For these reasons, to become a chef, you need to be interested in cooking and art. Also, you need to be creative and to have a passion for providing delicious and good food to many people.

A chef's major work is to cook foods ordered by a customer. To cook food, a chef has to buy and groom food ingredients and develop a menu and recipe. From these, a chef has to try many things. Furthermore, a chef has to clean the kitchen after cooking.

▲ Chefs are grooming various ingredient in the kitchen.

In an interview with Gordon Ramsay, a famous chef, he said what a good chef needs a fighting spirit, vision, and passion. A chef should not have fear of failure. to become a chef is hard, but we should try harder and have a good experience to get a job. On the other hand, food can be seen as a strange form or beautiful form by a customer. Thus, a chef needs to be interested in art because a chef has to design foods clearly and beautifully.

▲ Gordon James Ramsay Jr. is a Scottish chef, restaurant manager, food writer and broadcaster.

To become a chef, first, you need to be interested in cooking. Also, you need to cook every day. Then, you have to study cooking in a culinary school like Korea Culinary Officer Occupational Training College. In addition, you need to obtain a certificate of qualification as a chef. After you obtain a certificate, you need to learn cooking through part-time jobs. Then, you should get a job at a bigger store.

▲ This picture represents Korea Culinary Officer Occupational Training College.

To become a chef, you need to be creative and have passion. Try to cook and have an interest in cooking!

By Mina Kim


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