Turning off the Camera on Online Meetings Can Decrease Carbon Dioxide Emission대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-23 12:23:28

▲ A Typical Example of Online Meetings: ZOOM

With the COVID-19, online meetings or videos increased rapidly everywhere. The virus made the emission of carbon dioxide much down by the limit of travel or offline meetings, but today's online meetings with cameras can bring about adverse effects.

This fact was uncovered by one study from the USA. In a recent paper published in the journal of "Resources, Conservation, and Recycling", experts at Purdue University, Yale University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggest holding audio-only meetings, not video. They say that it significantly reduces various environmental footprints such as carbon, water, and land.

Online meetings with a camera or video streaming for an hour release 150 to 1000 grams of carbon dioxide, need two to 12 liters of cooling water, and require iPad mini size of land. However, if we turn off the camera, the footprints can be decreased by 96 percent.

Data processing is required to connect online to check messages, search for something, or use social media. In this process, the electricity that releases carbon dioxide is used. All electricity productions have some carbon, water, and land footprints, so lowering data downloads can reduce environmental damages.

▲ Carbon Footprints

For environmentally friendly online activities, turning off the camera in an unnecessary situation on online meetings, delete needless emails, and do not stream videos on HD every time. As Internet Traffic these days has been soaring by the development of technology as well as COVID-19, people must have a concern about carbon emission of the Internet.

February 21st, 2020

by Kim Hyeon


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