Exciting Changes made in League of Legends!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 13:04:51

League of Legends' roll check has been completed and the 7.11 patch notes have been updated. Recently, the League of Legends (Roll) has introduced new systems and skins. The biggest change is the explosive launch of the champion skins and the reactions from the release of the skins have been explosive! Among them, the popular Yasuo, Leaven and Kaitlyn Skin are expensive, but are great skins.

You can also say that Yasuo, Leiben, Kaitlin, etc., have been strategically used by rioters, as they are the champions of the users. The second is in a real game. Ten vans (no champions for 10) became a hot topic and since the pager bot was used in April, a rotation mode 'disposal bot' mode was created. In addition, the balance of Ari, Yasuo, Zaku, and Kaitlin was adjusted.

This patch includes an updated Lexi, Kindred, and Malja, and we've been working on the follow up to the midseason patch. Some of the tankers are struggling with the power of the solar flame cloak adjustments, so the adjustments to these tankers are still being worked on. Maokai and Jacques are still not showing our intended play patterns, so some additional adjustments have been made in this patch. According to one of the developers " From April to the present, the League of Legends (ROLL) has not changed a lot since not many changes have been made until now.”

The key change in April was the appearance of the new duo character of Lacan and Jaya, and the use of PayCharbot (April Fool's Day Memorial), as well as various items such as gargoyles armor, guardian angels, etc., . In May, with the introduction of the honor system,  chatting was prohibited, games were stopped, and Riot announced that various skins were coming out.

Now in June, the skin has been sharply released and 10 vans have been adjusted for balance, with a huge discount on various skins or lower prices.After that, the skins  will be reorganized, and the 7.13 patch will be further strengthened and the voice chat will be discussed.  We may have been able to settle down steadily as this continuous patch and skin discount remake actively proceeded. ROLL has hit the top spot in December 2011, and still holds the top spot in the game.

                                                                                                                       June, 10th, 2017. By Kim Do Hwan.



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