A Small Ball Shot by a Chinese YouTuber대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-01 17:23:04

China has been insisting that the history of South Korea belongs to them, and recently, hanbok, kimchi, ssam culture, and even Son Heung-min, a famous Korean soccer player, are related to China, not to South Korea. Liziqi, a popular Chinese YouTuber who has attracted 14.1 million subscribers under the theme of

▲ KImchi

"Rural Life in China," posted the video. It copied the Korean kimchi culture registered by UNESCO with the video "Lifetime Series: The Life of Wu", but it became a hot topic of conversation by posting it with the hashtag #Chinesefood. Chinese and Korean netizens were at odds over which country kimchi is the food of. Due to the influence of this video, a tweet uploaded by the Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations was illuminated. Due to the influence of the video, a tweet posted by Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun was highlighted. Ambassador Jang Jun posted a misleading message on Twitter to mark the New Year saying that winter life can be colorful and enjoyable.

One option is to try some homemade kimchi by yourself. Not too difficult. He also posted that his colleagues said it is super tasty. In response to the above situation, the Chinese Legislative Committee commented on SNS stated that their cultural confidence and power make them laugh and overlook such a ridiculous thing. One Chinese announcer said that kimchi is just food that does not fit the formalities. There are ethnic Koreans among ethnic minorities in China, and he wonders if they should get their consent to cook Korean food. If a small country insults a neighboring country's great power, it will perish. Also, he posted a video in his exhibition.

Korean netizens said that if the Korean culture settled in China from the Korean Peninsula is Chinese, Chinese Americans who immigrated to the U.S. are Americans, so Chinese food is American.

This discussion began last year when paocai of China received IOS standard certification. At that time, the Chinese media reported that it was a disgrace to Korea as the "domestic land of kimchi". However,

▲ Differences between Kimchi and Paochai

paocai in China is made differently from Korean kimchi, and the document that IOS recognized Paocai contains the phrase that says this document does not apply to kimchi". It is said that extreme patriotism is the reason for aiming at history, hanbok, kimchi, and sam culture. In this controversy, the BBC said that South Korea has been rejected China after false reports that it had won global certification for it is production of kimchi, and reported that although kimchi is offered under the name of paocai in China, there is a Chinese food called paocai, and kimchi culture is UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.

Other than that, most foreign reactions are that kimchi is from South Korea. However, the situation is still continuing that kimchi is from China.

2020 January 25,  By Park Hyoin


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