Yesung High School Hosts a Special Career Mentoring대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-01 17:13:11

Because of COVID-19, students cannot participate in many events such as an athletics competition, a school art festival, a summer retreat, a school excursion, and an entrance ceremony. However, there is one event that saves the students' frustration. Career Mentoring is very fun and helpful for the students. It helps them think about their career or their future job. The school invites experts in each field. Through that class, they can decide on their career and can start to have an interest in a certain field.

▲ Career Mentoring can give students not only enjoyable experience but also chance to get a dream job for their bring future

A student in Yesung High School said that he put his mind to decide for his future career. I was able to experience many fields such as drone, pop art, and jobs related to technology during the event in which he is interested. Through this class, he was able to grow further. Then Teacher Kim said that the school planned this event for the students to be able to decide their future job. He also expressed that giving such a lesson from an early age is very important. It is a huge opportunity for the students to decide their future career and experience many fields.

This event, Career Mentoring, is well-known for diversity by sector. There are many fields that students can experience. So, their width of choice is so varied that they learn many things from each field. Even if they are not interested enough to set it on career, they can experience many things with this opportunity. A teacher who is invited by the school also introduces a promising occupation in the future.

▲ This event also recommends jobs for students in terms of their aptitude, specialty, and hobby.

The event, career mentoring, helps the students not only on their empirical aspect but also in their decision in choosing a future career. They decide to choose their career and start to have an interest in that field through that class which is selected carefully by the school.

By Jun Hyeong Park


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