President Trump Dropped fro, Paris Accord on Climatic Change대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 10:46:55

     The president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, decided to withdraw from Paris accord on climate change that aims to decrease the green house gases. The government discussed about the withdrawal, and the complete withdrawal process would take time. Meanwhile, the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, said that you do an action about Paris agreement withdrawal. If USA drops out competing countries such as China and Russia will have a chance to benefit both diplomatically and economically. Also it may bring huge influence. If USA pulls out of the agreement, many countries that have much carbon dioxide emmisions promise to pull out,too.

     This accord's purpose is to decrease the Earth's rising temperature. However, Earth's temperature becomes hotter and brings tremendous disasters. Now Apple, Nike, Adidas, and Starbucks many multinational corporations follow the Paris agreement. Trump's daughter is not in favor of Paris agreement withdrawal. Rex Wayne Tillerson, the secretary of state, is also against of Trump;s decision. President Trump did not participate and he behaved last G7 Summit. Those days, Trump called on Paris agreement action list. The people expressed disappointment, but Trump expressed rage. President Obama signed Paris agreement on climate change together with nearly 195 countries to decrease the earth temperature.

     As the second-largest country in the world that has vast carbon emissions, USA can increase global warming. If USA drops out from the Paris agreement, much greenhouse gases will be emitted to the atmosphere and will not resotre the earth from serious damage.

     Now, the withdrawal procedure of the USA will be completed for 4 years. In the president, Trump's declaration of the Paris agreement drop out reproaches USA. Many global leaders expressed that this situaion is a hindrance to reach their agreed goals.

                                                            June 8th, 2017. by 박연주


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