The Reality of Immigrant Workers in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:56:55

There are many immigrant workers in South Korea. They come from various countries for different reasons. Although their native places are different from Koreans, they are also members of Korean society. However, most people do not think like that. Awareness about human rights or immigrant workers of South Korea is noticeably bad.

▲ Lots of immigrant workers are discriminated unfairly.

Immigrant workers also know the ill-treatment of some Koreans toward them. According to Multicultural Family Support Center, Danuri Call Center, and Foreigners' Counseling Center, they investigated four hundred three people woman immigrant workers, and 80.6 percent of them said they were being discriminated against in their workplace than local workers. Besides, 86.8 percent of them thought they were discriminated against about their pay and 41.6 percent for a chance of promotion.

An unsafe work environment is also a kind of discrimination. Some business owners give them unsanitary, low-facility, and mentally hard workplaces. These certainly infringe human rights. Last December 20th, a woman immigrant worker was found dead at accommodation in a vinyl greenhouse. This incident became a hot issue because her environment of accommodation and residential rights of immigrant workers also was on the rise.

▲ Some Korean owners provide immigrant workers workplaces with bad environment.

Then, why these incidents are happening? One of the causes is prejudices and ignorance about immigrant workers. Since they do not know South Korea very well, some business owners believe they would not resist their environments such as low payment and dirty workplace. And there are few policies to aid them. Rather, some policies did not protect them from some bad owners.

▲ We should be concerned to hardship of immigrant workers to make peaceful society.

These days, as human rights became important, the human rights of immigrant workers are also slowly improving. The government is trying to reform laws and policies for them, and attention to it is also growing. People should pay attention to it and try to make a harmonious society in the future.

January 17th, 2021

By Kang Jine Ie


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