IT Technology in Cars대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:33:22

IT technology has an important role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The Prospect of IT technology is enhancing, especially in cars. There are many IT technologies that will be used, and it will be helpful to people for a convenient life.

▲ IT technologies in cars

IT technology will be used in cars in the future. First, V2X is a communication and networking technology for vehicles and transportation infrastructure. It is networking technology in traffic. It consists of V2V, V2I, V2P, and others. It sends information to a traffic center if there is a car accident. Also, it transmits information to the car which is behind it. So, a car can make a decision by systems. It will be introduced after IT technology develops. Second, DDREM is a caution system about careless driving. It warns careless drivers. It checks heart rate, eye blink, vision, and body temperature. In the future, cars can transfer to the hospital if drivers are in an emergency. Finally, V2G is a vehicle to grid. Car charges itself at dawn fully, so its prices decrease. The car itself resells by a reverse transmission. So, it is helpful to drivers and power stations. It costs less than to charge at daytime because it is less operating rate than charging at dawn. However, this technology is still in the pilot stage as sufficient electric vehicles and various infrastructure must be introduced.

▲ Example of DDREM technology

It is said the Apple aims to independently produce self-driving electric vehicles based on its own battery technology. Many companies are interested in IT technology in cars like that.

IT technology in cars will develop in the future. Although IT technology in cars is still in the pilot stage, it will be widely used in cars to help our lives to be more convenient in the future.

By Um Ki Yoon


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