The Changing Flow of the School Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:19:22

COVID-19 has changed our lives. There are no exceptions in teenagers' school life, so there are changes in plans of school festivals. Until the end of November, Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School planned to hold an online festival. Considering the health of the students, the school decided to request the students to not move to other classes and only enjoy the festival in their own class. So, their first 2020 school festival plan was to hold an online festival on December 22. Also, in an auditorium, the performance of many applicants involving the dance club of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School and band club would be broadcast to each class as live video transmission.

However, the increasing number of COVID-19 patients in Ulsan since December 1 changed the situation. Almost every school and even kinder garden schools were closed and became distance learning. As a matter of fact, the festival of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School was canceled.

Jihyeon, a second-grade student in Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School said that she was so sad because of the cancellation of the festival. Also, a teacher in Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School said that she was so disappointed because she always expected the school festival to happen, too. Last year, in 2019 the festival of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School was held for two days. On the first day, students made a booth in every class. On the second day, every class performed on stage at the Ulsan KBS hall. Preparing for the festival, students made good memories and had closer relationships with their friends.

Unfortunately, we cannot hold the festival because of the safety of students from COVID 19 this year. However, most of the students of Ulsan Seo Girls Middle School hope to have a festival next year for students who were disappointed this year.


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