The Greatest Movie Director Recognized by the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:45:35

In South Korea, there are some famous and influential people. Among them, Jun-ho Bong is the most influential person not only in South Korea but all around the world. In the past, Jun-ho Bong came out with his first movie in 1993.

First, Jun-ho Bong wrote lots of movies like The Memories of Murder, Mother, Okja, and many more. These movies are famous but have a small impact. However, in 2019, the movie "Parasite" brought the biggest and greatest impact on lots of people. There were more than ten million people who watched this movie that came from different countries. With this movie, he became a really famous movie director.

▲ Jun-ho Bong`s movie`s poster, ˝Parasite˝

For the parasite's show enterprise, he and his movie actors got lots of prizes. First, he won Oscar's four area awards. Then, he also won the Cannes Film Festival. He made a miracle in Korea's movie history, by getting the four awards. After getting the most famous awards, he got more and more awards in the official awards.

Through these achievements, now, Jun-ho bong becomes the most influential person in the world. He was even selected as one of the New York Times, 100 people. Lots of people said that South Korea is really a great country and has the world scale of cultural interests. So, they are really proud of him and respect him for his achievements.

▲ The picture that Jun-ho Bong was selected by New York Times

Now, Jun-ho Bong continues to get some awards, and also, he writes a new history of the movie's area. His achievements and awards make lots of people respect him. Jun-ho Bong will make lots of movies in the future, and lots of people will cheer for him.


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