Strange and Safe Prevention of COVID- 19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 13:06:04

Do you know the virus which infected over fifty million people all over the world? Now, almost all people know about this virus called COVID- 19. Because of COVID- 19, many people tried wrong prevention to overcome this, and they want to know the real prevention methods to survive from COVID- 19 before the vaccine is developed.

On the news, news anchors reported about the people who used wrong prevention and eventually died. First, some people believe that it is effective to spray alcohol or antiseptic to the whole body to kill the virus. In fact, however, spraying alcohol and antiseptic to kill the virus, it does not work. If the virus is already infected with the body, it will stay in just the interior of the body. So, spraying alcohol and antiseptic has not any effects. Second, some people believe that we can kill the coronavirus using an ultraviolet lamp. It is also wrong prevention. Ultraviolet rays can cause skin irritation. So, we cannot use an ultraviolet lamp to disinfect our hands or other skins. Most importantly, these wrong prevention methods are not proven scientifically.

▲ The picture of ultraviolet ramp

To know the wrong prepare two types to prevent COVID- 19. One is applied to everyone. Another is applied to a person with symptoms. The prevention of COVID- 19 is important. However, to know the real prevention of this virus is important nowadays, too. Many people use wrong prevention because they do not know well about real prevention. There present, fundamentally, wash your hands with soap when you come home. Almost, all people are infected when they go outside or do outdoor activities. If you wash your hands, it can obstruct the virus because many people use their hands to handshake and do something. Then, along the way, if you contact a person who has a symptom, COVID- 19 will be infected from your hands to your whole body.

Furthermore, wearing a mask is helpful to prevent COVID- 19. When you wear a mask, it prevents the virus from infecting you. Also, a person with a symptom must wear a mask to avoid spreading the virus and infecting others.

▲ The picture of a precaution about COVID-19

In conclusion, some people do wrong prevention and do not follow real prevention yet. However, many people still work hard to stop the spread of COVID- 19 all over the world. In addition, vaccine development is gradually in progress. It is going to be a tough battle to defeat COVID- 19. Nevertheless, when we overcome this virus, we can live a better life.


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