One of the Ideal Jobs- Astronomer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 12:09:35

Do you know anything about an astronomer? It is one of the unfamiliar jobs. However, the astronomer is important at researching about the universe. Many countries do deep researches about the universe. Also, South Korea does researches and it has a Korean space company, called KAI. South Korea does many efforts to open the secrets of the universe. In many countries, there are already many astronomers. For example, there was Neil Armstrong from America and Lee So-yeon from South Korea.

▲ Lee So-yeon, Korean first spaceship boarder

There are many famous sayings about the universe. An astronomical person, Carl Sagan said the line. " I want to go out of the universe". Also, Albert Einstein said, "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me wrong". This means, that the universe we knew can be wrong, and we must study harder about the universe.

▲ First Korean spaceship, Naro

The work of astronomers can be sorted into two, pilots and researchers. The pilots drive the spaceship, so they work only in the spaceship in order for it to go up and down. For the researchers, they do important things for research about space such as collecting data about one planet and sampling. Also, they need to maintain strict physical conditions. They must have a height of 149 cm~193 cm. It is because having a height of over 193 cm can make one feel uncomfortable. Then, what do they eat when they are in the universe? They eat compressed pack meals using a straw. Some say it is tasteless, but astronomers must eat those foods because the universe has no gravity. To sum up, they are people who go to the unknown universe and work for the development of the universe industry.

Astronomers are the people who pave the way for the development of science, especially about the universe. A universe is an essential place for humans now and forever. Although their job is unfamiliar, it has the necessity to be known to many people.


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