Middle School a Huge Talent Show Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 11:24:21

Have you ever shown your dream in front of others and your parents? To show your dream to others is a very unusual occurrence, or maybe you did not even have a chance. The dream and talent show is the chance to show your dream. Even if you do not have a dream, you can just show your talent or other things that you like. In this show, your family, teachers, and friends will be able to see your talent, and they might understand your dream, and how much you are enthusiastic about your dream. This is the reason why this show is special.

Then, when this show was established? Recently, this show was established for students who wander about their dream. Therefore, in the government, they made a new national system that made the whole country to provide an activity which students can show their talent.

▲ (네이버 블로그_나인기획 `NINE Entertainment)

If so, is the purpose of this show being kept well? A student who participated in this show said that for this show, he is able to know what he likes and what he is good at. So, he really recommends establishing this show. Also, the other student said that his dream is to be a singer, but his parents do not like this job. So, he wants to show how much he likes singing and he is talented at it. However, for this time, he can make it. On the other hand, a student who does not like this event said that he is afraid to stand out in front of others, but for this event rule, he must go out. So, he appeared on the stage, then, he was so nervous, and could not say any word, It is the worst memory of his life.

▲ (네이버 블로그_월드벌룬파티)

Despite all the positive impacts that the school dream and talent show generate, there are voices that this show must be banned, and some said that it must be continued. Most students say that the top priority is to make up for the shortcomings and to get the show going on. However, the conflict still remains.


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