Guyeong Middle School‘s Festival 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 11:13:04

Can you believe there is a festival which includes more than 30 activities for all students? In Guyeong Middle School, there is a Creative Fusion Day. The festival is a tradition and an annual festival of Guyeong Middle School. All students in the school can enjoy many activities related to school subjects such as science, math, Korean and many other subjects. This year, it was held on November 24th.

▲ The students who enjoy the festival.

There are various activities in school subjects about school subjects. All students can enjoy the subjects by making the subject. There are creative and interesting making which can lure the students. In science subjects, there are making music boxes, interesting chemical experiments, and more. Moreover, in art subject, there is origami, making Christmas mood light, and calligraphy. Also, in Korean and math, there are writing my autobiography and book, solving the math puzzle, and making the 2021 calendar and design. Also, there are many opinions about this festival. In an interview, some students response, this festival has lots of interesting activities, so it is really enjoyable and beneficial. Some teachers of the school also said that it was hard to prepare for this festival, but it can be a good chance to improve the creativity of Guyeong Middle School's students.

▲ It is Guyeong Middle School.

After the sixth class, all students write the report for this festival in the seventh class. Guyeong Middle School's students filled up the report paper with their content of the activities and their opinions. However, there are not only positive opinions but also negative opinions, too. pros students said this festival is a good chance to enjoy the subject, but the cons said it is not fun and enjoyable and other class' students did not clean their seat.

Creative Fusion Day is a great annual festival in education and tradition of the school However, there are many opinions in both positive and negative sides about this festival. It will be great to solve the problem and continue this festival.


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