Riskiness of COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-08 16:37:53

▲ COVID-19 is a virus which was found in 2019.

We are going through a difficult time with a virus these days. It made us cannot go outside easily, and we are not free to go anywhere. Moreover, we have to wear a mask whenever we go outside. The virus mentioned above in the COVID-19. This virus does not only make our lives uncomfortable but also is dangerous for us.

The COVID-19 virus first found in 2019, in China. There was a patient who died because of an unknown virus, which was thought of as a kind of pneumonia, later revealed as COVID-19. This virus an emerging infectious disease. It is a viral respiratory disease of animal origin caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If you got infected, you may have some symptoms: fever, dry cough, feeling of fatigue, sore throat, headache, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, and others. If you have these symptoms, you must call the health center for a checkup.

The number of infected people from COVID-19 is increasing geometrically. Moreover, people who have complications or other illness, and senior citizens have a higher risk of dying by COVID-19. In spite of the risks, people are still continuing to have small scale meetings with their acquaintances. Kim-Tak, a professor at Soonchunhyang University, said that it is highly likely that the mask will not be worn and that the infection will spread to each other during that time. So, he believes that limiting small gatherings to refrain from doing so will be effective considering the current mood.

▲ South Korea`s prevention rules for COVID-19

Although COVID-19 is a dangerous virus, we can overcome is when all of us make effort together. It can be very uncomfortable while wearing a mask and social distancing until there will be an immediate vaccine for this virus. However, your little discomfort will definitely get rid of COVID-19 for everything to be back to normal.


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