My Self-Quarantine Dairy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-01 17:07:09

On November 24th, a student in my school was confirmed with COVID-19. My school notified all the third-grade students to get covid-19 examinations. When I finished the test, I was so afraid that I might have contracted the virus.

The next morning, I was informed that I was negative much to my relief. After a while, I got a call from a government official, who told me that I had to do a self-quarantine for 2 weeks. Despite testing negative, it is a necessary procedure because COVID-19 has an incubation of 2 weeks. He explained to me how to do self-quarantine properly with a must-do & not-to-do list. Also, he gave me a good information that the government provides people who do self-quarantine with necessities of 10,000 won or 10,000 won in cash. I chose 10,000 won in cash. After the call, I had lunch by myself. My lunch was pork belly and vegetables. I ate them all not to leave any food because if I leave food, it is very hard to do food waste disposal. 

Then I played games with my friends who did self-quarantine like myself. When I talked to them, they said they never even imagined they would do self-quarantine. At night my mother brought me dinner. Honestly, it was good and comfortable to eat a meal in my room alone. After dinner I wrote my English article. Meanwhile, my mother told me to download the self-quarantine app. I should write my health information on this app twice a day and government officials check my condition. If I dont do this, I have to go to the facility for people who do self-quarantine. The first day in my room was pretty comfortable and nice. And I thought its so ironic that I was locked and wore a mask in my house. But I should do my best to prevent COVID-19 from spreading to my family.

* Photo: Screenshot of the self-quarantine app. (Taken by Changhoon Jun)

On the second day, I started my day with the alarm of the self-quarantine app. I wrote my health information on this app. And there was a package for me from the government. There were things for self-quarantine like a thermometer, garbage bags, masks, and so on. After I unpacked them, I took online-classes. I was supposed to go to school if it had not been for this incident, but the school stopped all the students from coming to school to disinfect the school and protect us.

When I looked outside the window, the weather seemed so perfect to go outside. But I had to stay at home because I was doing self-quarantine. It must have been the boredom of the self-quarantine. After the online-class, I did my math homework. It was so frustrating that I could not ask a question to my teacher in person. At 4:30 I had an English video class with my English teacher. I have done video classes a few times, but I never had fun taking a tutoring session like that. I guessed if the COVID-19 was not over any time soon, it could be our routine.

After finishing all my studies, I had stir-fried mushrooms and fried rice for dinner. I had to control what I eat in order not to gain weight. In times like this, I should take care of my health and body balance. I finished the day by writing my health information on the app before sleeping.

I only had a few days in self-quarantine but already feel like I’m getting used to it. I guess if the COVID-19 is not over any time soon, it could be our routine. I hope that is not the case and we do not have to get used to these isolated lives from each other.


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