Police Officers in Our Society 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:46:31

Are you interested in many kinds of jobs? Many students should consider their future job. In many kinds of jobs, being a police officer popular. Police officers work to keep the public order and prevent citizen's freedom and right. So, they need physical ability and self-examination ability.

▲ symbol of police

Police officers are familiar with us. It is because we can see police offices in many cases. We can see either on the streets or their police cars on the road. Then, what do police officers do? Police officers protect people's life property and check criminal investigation and catch the criminal. Also, they investigate cybercrime and check the traffic on the road. Also, police officers collect public order environment. Some people think that police officers catch criminals. However, there are many kinds of tests in becoming police.

Like this, becoming police has many kinds of tests. Then, how can we become a police officer? The police officer is a civil servant. So, people who want to become a police officer should apply for a test. First, they need to graduate from a police university. Then, they can apply the test. They can have a written test and paper confirmation. In the written test, people who want to be a police officer should prepare usually two subjects. However, in the interview, after 2022, people should prepare usually five subjects. Not only written tests but also physical check-ups and aptitude tests are needed. Finally, they have an interview. If they pass all of the tests, they can be police officers.

▲ appearance of police

Then, what talent is needed to be a police officer? Being a Police is a very satisfying job. Police officers must possess quickness, flexibility, patience, a sense of mission, leadership, social nature, and strength. They must possess these because they should protect civil freedom and right and work to keep the public order.

by Kim Chae Min


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