A School Festival in Autumn대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:22:35

Nowadays, many school festivals are postponed or canceled because of COVID-19. Had it not been for the COVID-19 era, we would have been having an autumn sports festival around this time of the year. Autumn sports festival is a school festival which is held in autumn. Now, because of the postponement or cancellation of the festival, many students felt sorry.

Autumn sports festival is held from September to November. Class students usually buy the same clothes which represent their team for the sports festival and wear their clothes on the same day. Students are divided into two teams such as blue team and white team. Then, they play many sports such as race, soccer, basketball, and dodgeball. In the running competition, each class's representative athletes will complete. On the other hand, in soccer, basketball, and dodgeball, all students in the class participate in the game. Autumn sports festival is a very famous school festival which is held annually, but this festival was postponed or canceled this year because of the virus.

▲ Running competition

Because there were many students who felt sorrowful due to the canceling of the autumn sports festival, some elementary schools did the autumn sports festival online. This event was organized after agonizing over the improvement of students' physical strength and psychological depression even when the sports activities were difficult due to COVID-19. Soccer, basketball, and dodgeball are sports which are played in the autumn sports festival. However, because these are sports which students cannot play alone in their house, teachers made sports which can be done with simple tools such as changing clothes quickly and moving rice.

▲ Online Autumn Sports Festival

Online autumn sports festival soothed the children's disappointment. One student who participated in the online autumn sports festival said that he was sorry that many events were canceled due to COVID-19, but he was happy to have an athletic meeting even though it was online. Also, the principal of the school said that with COVID-19, they are going to do educational activities that are difficult to operate offline, and they are going to do a lot of things with teachers' collective intelligence and cooperation.

Although it was a non-face-to-face autumn sports festival, it was a good experience for many students.

By Dahye Jeong


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