기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-30 15:20:24

▲ influenza virus

We can see that there are many people waiting for the flu vaccine inoculation as it caused a pandemic. Flu is an acute respiratory disease created by the influenza virus, and it appears over late autumn, winter, and also spring.

Flu has many symptoms such as high fever, sore throat, headache, runny nose, phlegm, muscle pain, and chills. Moreover, flu easily infects others through their nose and mouth. Influenza that enters our body infects our nose, throat, and lungs, and it causes the flu. There are three different types of flu. The first one is flu type A, the second one is flu type B and the last one is flu-type C. Among these, type A's pandemic is shorter than type B. Flu always causes pandemic because it is more developed and stronger than other viruses.

Just looking for the symptoms, it is really similar to cold, but it is different. Flu has only one virus called influenza virus, but the cold has more than a hundred viruses that create cold. So, flu can make a vaccine, but it is hard to make a vaccine for cold.

We take medicine when we have flu. People who have flu usually take Tamiflu, which is a famous medicine to treat the flu. However, it has a side effect that causes children from having a hallucination. There are many accidents that students jumped off from a high building and died. In South Korea, there was a young student who was 11 years old, said that she heard a strange sound in the ceiling after taking Tamiflu, and the next day, she jumped off from the 21st floor of a building and she died.

Thus, it is important to prevent disease. First, we need to avoid the patient who has flu. Second, we need to keep our bodies healthy. Since viruses enter our body when our immune system is weak, so it is very important to keep our body healthy. Third, we need our body to be cleaned by washing our hands often and brush our teeth, too. Lastly, we need to be injected with a vaccine that can protect our body from influenza viruses.

The most important thing is our body, and we need to protect our body from diseases by ourselves.

By Kim Yu-chae


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