Disabled Person‘s Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-24 14:42:31

What day is Pepero Day? Most people can answer easily. It is on November 11. Then, what is the date of Disabled Person's Day? There must be quite a few people who take out their smartphones when they hear this question. Surprisingly, it is also on November 11.

▲ November 11 is Pepero Day

▲ Also, November 11 is Disabled Person`s Day

Physically challenged people, usually called disabled, are people with permanent disabilities in the upper extremity, lower extremity, or body structure. Disabled people suffer discrimination and discomfort in their daily lives due to people's excessive consideration or disgust, and also systems tailored to the standards of the non-disabled. For example, disabled people in wheelchairs still cannot use a certain service because they do not have a ramp when using public transportation or entering a building. Also, there are many cases where disabled people feel burdened or offended by their reckless efforts to help themselves.

▲ Percentage of disabled people available by kinds of transportation

The Korea Association for the Disabled designated November 11 as the Disabled Person's Day from 2001, to establish a foundation for the integration of disabled and non-disabled people in South Korea and enhancing their role-relationship and awareness of social participation, in the sense that disabled people want to be upright. Also, November 11 consists of a number 1, which means a new start, and it means that you should cherish yourself first. The Korea Association for the Disabled holds the National Association for the Disabled on November 11 every year. National Association for the Disabled is thought to be the most prestigious event held annually with the will to realize the human rights and welfare of the disabled.

Disabled people are still suffering from prejudice and an uncomfortable system. Disabled Person's Day will be the day to make people notice disabled people's effort and life.

by Lee Yeonseo

November 15th, 2020


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