Unique Smartphone from South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-24 14:37:26

Nowadays, most people, if not all, in the world use smartphones. We use it as much as we feel uncomfortable without a smartphone. Nobody can believe that there is a smartphone which can be folded. In South Korea, Samsung invented the smartphone which is folded in half. When Samsung Galaxy Z Flip was launched in 2020, the world's attention was on this unique smartphone.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is small in size which is folded in half. We can put it in our pants, and shirt's pocket. People may be afraid of folding glass, but we fold and unfold to turn on and off the smartphone. Although we fold and unfold it many times, it can stay in good condition. There is no scratch while folding it.

▲ Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

Galaxy Z Flip can stand at any angle. If you adjust the phone's angle, you can enjoy it from any angle. Like in video calls and selfies, you can use it inconvenient ways. For multitasking, it can play two applications at the same time. If you tap the alarm and open Z Flip, applications will start right away. You can check a notification while not turning the smartphone on. Moreover, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip contains two batteries, so you can use it for a long time. You do not worry about its battery life every day.

Also, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is sold abroad in all over the world. In Europe, Samsung launched a white edition. Everybody wants to use this unique phone and feel Korea's technology. According to the reporter, Thomas Shambler in 10miDDLEEAST, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is going to change the smartphone world. Moreover, technology has been vastly improved, so it is faster than ever and more capable of multitasking. "

▲ White Edition Launched in Europe

You can enjoy South Korea's technology. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip folding phone is very useful. You can take it anywhere every day. How about use Samsung Galaxy Z Flip? You can feel its uniqueness when you use it!


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