School Festival with COVID-19 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-24 14:18:10

Because of coronavirus, a lot of events are canceled. Then, what about a school event? In Janggeom Middle School, the school festival will hold this year. Given coronavirus, first, in part one, the festival booth should be banned from food, singing room, and others. In part two, the performance will be shown on a video camera in real-time.

▲ This is a school festival booth.

So Yoon Park, a sophomore student in Jang Gum Middle School, said that she loves the school festival so much that she continues to wait for it. However, coronavirus occurs, so the school festival was hard to hold, but each class came up with an idea to hold a new festival considering coronavirus. Although the performance's quality decreases, it will be new and fresh. It will be new memories for her in school. She eagerly looks forward to the school festival. I cannot wait for it.

▲ This is a school festival performance.

The festival is funnier and fresher than before. The students can have a new experience by holding the new way. It might remain great memories in the school events. However, the booth is limited because of coronavirus, and the online performance is bad for both performers and audience. The performers cannot see a responsive and enthusiastic audience, so they are less interested than before. Also, the audience cannot see the performers exactly, so illumination and acoustic effects decrease, and the mood decreases.

At Janggoem Middle School Festival, some say that it will be more interesting and fresher while the performance will be worse than before. It is because we cheer for the dancers and singers. Although the performance's quality decreases, the festival's charm still remains for the booth in the festival.

By JiIn Jeong


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