Kyuhyun, Prince of Ballad대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-20 14:38:57

Kyuhyun came back to his job after he did his mandatory military service for two years. He said that he cannot believe he has returned to the original place where he used to be. He is happy to come back to his career. A boy group named Super Junior, including Kyuhyun, is fully back together for the first time in nine years.

▲ Kyuhyun`s solo album, The Day We Meet Again

Kyuhyun did an international concert tour with his group, Super Junior named Super Show 8 in January 2020. It is almost held every year for their fan club called E.L.F. At that time, their show was held in South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Republic of the Philippines. Kyuhyun with his group almost go abroad every year to meet their fans. His group named Super Junior has lots of international records. They were first on the Taiwan music chart for 121 weeks. Taking this achievement, they are famous around the world.

▲ Super Show 8

Kyuhyun often releases solo albums for his fan club called E.L.F. Most of his fans in South Korea or in a foreign country love his voice and his songs. He also appeared in a talk show named Radio Star, and in a variety show, called New Journey to the West. He is famous for these things. He often sings drama or cartoons original soundtracks. He acts in a musical, too. This year, he did many musicals, such as the man who laughs and Werther. His acting ability is praiseworthy. Also, a lot of people like to watch his musical.

Like these things, Kyuhyun did many works for his fans and his happiness. He loves himself and his career. Now, he does his own YouTube channel and turns on live streaming. At this moment, he communicates with his fans using an application, Lyns. He is a great ballader.

November 7th, 2020

by Choi Ji won


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