The National College Entrance Examination amid the Pandemic대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 17:21:15

There are only a few days left before the National College Entrance Examination. The National College Entrance Examination is the most important examination for students who want to pursue college. So many students study hard to pass and study in their dream college. As this day is a very important day, the Department of Education announced the National College Entrance Examination's countermeasures because of COIVD-19.

▲ The National College Examination is left a month

First, the examination day is delayed to December 3rd due to COVID-19, and it was announced a few months ago. Also, the Department of Education said that they will provide every student the opportunity in taking the examination although students have COVID-19. They will be arranged for another class, so the students who are sick or are suspected to be infected can still take the examination. The Department of Education will install a screen fence to prevent the spread of the virus. However, it is still under discussion whether it is good or bad for the students to take the examination.

▲ There will be screen fence to prevent infection.

Second, every high school student will undergo remote learning at home a week before the day of the examination. To prevent the infection, the Department of Education will disinfect all the classrooms and check the school. Moreover, there is a regulation of transportation. For example, the morning rush hour will be delayed until 10:00 am. Also, the Department of Education said that they will prepare for the examination to provide a better environment.

▲ The Department of Education announced final policy about the examination.

Thus, there are many difficulties this year. The National College Entrance Examination is the largest scale examination in South Korea, so every student prepares so much for it in order to study in a good college.

November 8th, 2020

By Yoo Seung-hun


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