Social Distancing Adjustment대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 17:17:47

Were you worried about the Chuseok holiday's risk of COVID-19 infection? Many people had an online Chuseok celebration. The quarantine authority will announce the social distancing adjustment on October 11.

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and it is a new type of coronavirus. This can be spread by a patient's saliva that will get through the eye, nose, and mouth's mucous membrane. It causes pneumonia, high fever, coughing, and headache. If it is serious, it can make a person die. Its vaccine is not yet invented, so people have to avoid getting infected with this virus. After two-fourteen days, the symptoms will appear. However, there are a lot of infected examples who had no symptoms at all. During the holidays, there were a lot of activities, so lots of people were worried about the spreading of viruses. However, the number of patients stayed at doubt digits after Chuseok. It did not surpass three digits. the local outbreak was also in two digits. Hanguel Day celebration from October 9 to 11 could also be a variable, so the quarantine authority is still nervous. Jeong Eun Kyung, the head of the Central Anti-disease Headquarter said that although there is no significant increase in the number of patients due to holidays, we are still in a situation when we cannot relax.

▲ COVID-19 Virus

Yun Tae Ho, the general manager of the Central Accident Control Headquarter said that they will not be only checking the number of the patient index, but also they will consider the opinion of the government, experts, locally autonomous, and think of social acceptability. this adjustment was decided through examining the character of each region, industry, and facility. The government will carry it but in late October or early November.

▲ Graph of COVID-19 Virus

COVID-19 makes people all around the world scared. Although the patient number is in two digits, we must obey the quarantine rules and have attention to them.

by Jo Eun Seo


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