A School Event About Students‘ Dream대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:55:19

Many people have thought about their dream. For many teenagers, career exploration is a very essential assignment today. In Munsu Middle School, there is a Dream Concert for students where they can present their project work in front of the teachers and their parents.

The Dream Concert is the time for students to show the output of the lessons they have learned in an exam-free year, and it is held every winter. In South Korea, there is a system of an exam-free year. All first-grade students in middle school do not have an examination in a year. Instead of having an examination, they should search for many careers and experience many jobs for their future.

▲ Many students share their ideas each other.

In the Dream Concert of Munsu Middle School, many students can participate. All first-grade students that take part in the activities can show their output. The members of clubs and the students who have excellent talents like singing or dancing performance on the stage as if they are auditioning for an audition program. The teachers participate in the Dream Concert, too. Also, a lot of pictures and sculptures are displayed in the hall of Munsu Middle School. Through this, the students and teachers can share and interact with their ideas constantly and appreciate their work frequently. A student, maned Kim Min Seo, who took part in the concert said that the Dream Concert is a good chance to find her dream and reminisce about her school life.

Through the Dream Concert, the students could find their interest and experience many occupations. The sponsor of the Dream Concert in Munsu Middle School, Kim Yeong Tae, said that students in Munsu Middle School do not only study at the desk, but they can also show their talent and find their dream during the exam-free years together with the teachers and parents inside school premises.

▲ Some teachers take part in Dream Concert, too.(usms.ms.kr)

By Kim Namin


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