The Problem of Online Classes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:53:13

▲ A student who participates in online classes.

People usually study through online classes because of the Coronavirus. All over the world, students study with computers or smartphones while they are learning. It looks quite convenient, but there are many

problems with online classes.

First, online classes decrease students' motivation. By using smartphones and computers, the students' environment cannot motivate them to feel a sense of learning. Students also have passive participation because of their recognition of the online classes. They think that having online classes is not learning but just watching.

Second, online classes also decrease students' ability to learn because it is difficult for teachers to give some feedback to them. It is difficult to communicate with all of the students at once. So, teachers cannot check students' concentration during class. Also, teachers cannot check their intelligibility during the class.

Third, another problem with having online classes is students can have a large gap. There is a large gap between the students who concentrate well and the students who do not participate in the online classes. Students do not have a chance to learn more, so they go over without understanding.

Lastly, there are problems with students' grades, too. Students do not participate during online classes, so they do not have a chance to get good grades.

▲ A student who studies in online classes with teacher.

One of the teachers in Munsu Middle School said, that it is hard to give feedback to the students through online classes. Also, most of the students' grades decrease, and they cannot understand the classes well. She said that students have poor grades on their examinations because they play games while they participate in the online classes.

The problem of online classes can harm students' studies. The longer that the students study through online classes, the larger the possibility that the students' learning ability will decrease. To solve this problem, students have to write down some notes and increase their concentration. Students have to give an effort when having online classes while they are learning.

by Um Ki Yoon


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