Serving as a Lawyer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:47:34

Do you know about the job, a lawyer? It is one of the promising jobs. It is because in 2019, in South Korea, there were about 6.63 million lawsuits. In other words, people need many lawyers. For this reason, a lawyer is a very popular job for many people.

Then, what do lawyers do? They plead at the bar, do preparation of legal documents, and give legal advice to their clients. Because ordinary people do not know about law well, lawyers study law and give people some pieces of advice. Also, the lawyers sometimes speak in defense to clients. They help their clients to prove innocence, and if they presume to be guilty, they make an effort to be sentenced to the lowest penalty.

▲ Lawyers` Workplace in the Court.

Then, what is the fundamental qualification to be a lawyer? In South Korea, there are tests to take to become a judge, a lawyer, and a district attorney. If you pass the test, you can be a lawyer. There are other ways to be a lawyer. When you go to a law school and graduate there, you can be a lawyer. This is why a lawyer is a hard job to be.

▲ The Code of Law that Lawyers Study with.

In the Law Journal, lawyer Yoonsuk Byun said that the important thing to be a lawyer is to learn logically. Also, lawyers have to get a humble attitude because they have to know what they are saying and have to check their logic with a humble attitude. It will be helpful to be a good lawyer.

A lawyer is a job that defending a client, and also they go to court, pleading their client by logic. It needs a very big sense of duty. It is a very awesome job. It is certain to be a promising job in the future and the present. Lastly, it is a very attractive job.

by Kang Gyurin


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